Will Cole Rejoins the GHBA Board of Directors
Will Cole was asked to rejoin the GHBA Board of Directors where he has previously served.
The board of directors is the governing body of the GHBA. They meet five times per year to review association finances, discuss industry issues, receive briefings on association issues and share knowledge. Members of the board are expected to make decisions on behalf of the association, in the best interest of the industry. They manage the assets of the association on behalf of its members. Board members may serve for one, two, or three-year terms.
Board members are expected to contribute to the association as members of HOME-PAC and to recruit at least three new members throughout the year. They also are often asked to serve on committees, judge at events, and help represent the association at events in the community or with partner organizations.
Some board members also serve at the Texas Association of Builders and/or National Association of Home Builders on behalf of GHBA.