GHBA Members participate in Rally Day
Historically, we would have taken three busloads of roughly 150 GHBA members for a day of meetings at the Capitol with our state delegation members. This year, we had 30 members make their own travel arrangements and gather at the Hyatt Regency where elected officials and staff met with us to discuss issues and legislation that affect the housing industry.
We were not shut out of the Capitol entirely though as several elected officials requested that we meet with them in their Capitol offices, so two small teams of GHBA members made their way to the big pink granite building to meet with members on their turf.
In addition to our meetings in Austin, we were able to hold a Virtual Rally Day on April 19 with 11 separate meetings with delegation members via Zoom.
Each session, Rally Day is a special opportunity for our members to meet and directly engage with our state delegation members to advocate for the homebuilding industry. Although this Rally Day took a different form and was held during a much busier point in the session, the GHBA was still able to successfully share our message of housing affordability and home ownership with our elected officials.
TAB’s Rally Day is an advocacy event hosted at the Texas State Capitol. Rally Day is a valuable opportunity for association members to visit Austin, Texas and to talk with their local legislators and key policy staff face-to-face.